Sunday, November 1, 2020

 The Spirit of Shame

There was a time when I was a child when I was shamed for my actions. I am sure all of us have experienced it at some time or another in our life. Shame is supposed to provoke one to have remorse for ones actions. I believe that remorse can never really be felt by someone through the feeling of shame because when we are shamed we are made to feel bad about our-self and our actions. When we feel bad about our-self we cannot feel our worth or worthy. We feel worthless. Worthlessness cannot produce remorse. 

Remorse comes through the feeling of worthiness. When we feel worthy we can feel remorseful because it is then we can see our actions are out of alignment with our charter, “Our True Character.” 

Shaming comes from fear, or at least it did in the most significant incident that impacted my life when I was a child. When we shame out of fear its imprint is compounded. Both shame and fear carry an energy which is vampiric in nature. They are like spirits who need to be fed to stay alive so when they imprint and attach they continue to feed on experiences growing stronger until it becomes second nature. Second nature is not real nature. Second nature is another life form living  on and through you. Our first nature is freedom, joy, happiness and most of all innocence. 

Anything that needs you to exist is not a living thing. It is a ghost, a vampire, an “unalive” (I prefer that then undead). Today is halloween. The veil between the worlds is thin. It is this opening and portal between the worlds that has been set for this most auspicious moment of the Blue Moon and Halloween. Today send the spirit of shame back into the nothingness from which it was formed. Today release shame and fear and any other “unalive” spirits that are a hindrance in your life. 

If you are reading this perhaps this message is for you or someone you know. Share it with love to support the lifting of the unnecessary burdens in someones life. This is a Treat to remove the trick  that was once played when we chose to believe in the “unalive” spirit called shame.

A Prayer for you

I am the presence of Freedom. I am the gift of life. I release all attachments that seek to hinder my lite. I release the spirit of shame back from whence it came. No longer able to hold onto me, I am free to embrace worthiness and all I came here to be. I celebrate worthiness as me and my life from this day on I am happy and free. 

On this day So Mote it BE.

Women Healing Zone ©2020