The mind is a tool. It is an instrument to be used at your discretion. Like a computer what you input into it will determine its working’s. The mind is like the mother board of our physical being and the Spirit can be the input-er or the ego. The ego is developed with the assistance of our experiences and the development of our personality as given to us from a portion of our Spirit. A part of our being is still connected to our greater being ness that is connected to God, which we sometimes refer to as our higher self. As our personality develops throughout the years of experiences we collect data that is then stored in the computer brain. These experiences are cataloged under emotional titles such as good, bad, pleasure, pain, happy, sad, etc. This ego personality inputs information into our brain that we then determine through a cataloged emotion, what it is we are feeling there by interpreting an experience now through information fed into it from past experiences. We see something and the computer efficiently goes into a file of similar experience and extracts the proper data and places it in the lens of your vision, extracting the zip file of feelings and emotions that coincide with the picture from the file. Then you experience an emotional charge based upon this information creating an experience which seems familiar. The question to ask ones self is "Is this really what is going on or am I projecting a previous experience, super imposing it in a way over this current incident?" If this is our constant question, when we receive an emotional charge of a current experience we can and will see more clearly the current situation without prejudice (pre- judgment based on previous experience) and with a greater sense of wisdom. The process of this questioning i call brain washing. The soap i use is meditation, prayer, affirmation and reading inspiring works from the likes of Ernest Holmes ,Alice Bailey, Thomas Troward and from the Master teachers and their works such as ,The Bible, Kahlil Gibran, Rumi, His Holiness The Dali Lama, The Upanishads, The Holy Koran, Hazarat Inyat Khan and many others.
Use any parts of these tools, or ones you may have found on your own, as the soap to wash your mind clear of self deception attuning to the Master and the Saints your inner ear, to hear clearly and see clearly your ultimate truth. In put in to the greatest computer ever made, in the most perfect operation that has ever been, sustenance that full fills and sustains your greatest being and the out put will be unconditional love and compassion for all beings in every situation. How will you use your brain today? What information will you input into it that will nourish your Spirit? When you input loving words, kind thoughts and positive affirmations it is this information that the computer will retrieve when faced with a situation. Super imposing the greatest truth over all your experiences, that you are loved you are a being of light and God. You are safe and all that you need is present and available to you. You have no need to fear, fight for power or feel threatened in any way. The Universe is constantly conspiring in your favor and you are provided for cared for and loved unconditionally. It is safe to feel love, express yourself in loving ways knowing that no one is ever going to, or can ever take advantage of you, so that you may give of your self from the overflow of your being, because you are full and will always be full of Spirit.