Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Rejoice in the uniquely you!

Rejoicing in who is uniquely you is an Important factor to the well being of your spirit. The moment we turn to compare ourselves in any way to another unique being we diminish some part of our light in the world. This self-sabotaging behavior is more damaging than any criticism we may receive from another because it divides the self against itself. "A house divided against itself shall fall"Luke 11:17 . Wherever you are in life is the perfect place for you in this moment. Look at where you have come from and celebrate. Look at where you want to be and strive. Neither of those things includes a comparison to another. When we see what others have and recognize it as a place we would "like" to be instead of a place we "should" be it allows us the ability to celebrate that person, their achievements and their lessons along the way. Celebrating them means we are celebrating ourselves. The celebratory spirit creates more of itself. It's next creation is you!

Thought for Today: Every "Body-Being-Person" is unique and each of us brings our own special mix to the universe. It's OK to be different. it's OK to be at my station in life. Its OK to stay where i am and to move when i am ready. No one is judging me but me.

Today's Affirmation: There is no comparison "I AM UNIQUELY ME"!