Tuesday, May 31, 2011


Self love is the most important and crucial love in life. It is the gateway that leads to loving others.

If we aren't willing to love ourselves why would anyone else love us. Of course there will be those that come along and try because that is the nature of beings to express and receive love. But eventually we will show them in actions, thoughts and deeds both conscious and subconscious that we don't believe this should be so, then there actions will move to align itself with our vibration of un-lovingness and we will blame them for not treating us lovingly. Giving love to yourself enables you to give love to others.
It is not only love that we must give to ourselves this goes for kindness, patience, pleasure, understanding, acceptance....... the list goes on and on. Just stick any of those words in the place of love and you will see it fits. Try love first and all the others will fall into place because ultimately love is all there is and without love none of the others will fit or stay for any length of time. You can not be loving to yourself and not accepting or impatient or displeasing or mean at the same time. Self love is the key that fits the lock to the chamber of dissatisfaction, freeing us from the bondage of hurts and chains pain.

Thought For Today:

How do I hold others responsible for loving me when I am not willing to hold myself responsble for loving me?

Today's Affirmation:

I AM self loving . I love myself so much that I accept the limitaations I have placed on myself and others by not seeing how loving me first is benificial to all. I love myself so much that it is easy to be loving to everyone and expierence everything as love. I recognize when I am not being love to myself and immediatly take action to re-adjust my love meter in the direction of self-love by applying acceptance, patience, kindness and understanding to my actions allowing for healing and transformation to happen.
I AM healed in love, with love and through love.