Saturday, May 21, 2011

Thought for Today:
All the love we receive is added to the fullness we are. When we receive love and we are feeling lack it feels more like theft to the person giving it to us, so subconsciously they either hold on to it or give it grudgingly. In our fullness it matters not who gives us love or withholds it because we are full. We must be enough of ourselves to our selves so that everything is an addition. No "one" can fill you. You must fill you. It is through the practice of self-love that we are filled. Seek self-love through the love of God. "Seek yea first the kingdom of God and his righteousness and all else shall be added" (Mathew 6:33). Every time you feel yourself "needing" love from someone else, stop and do something to fill your love tank. Continue to do this so that it is automatic and eventually it will be.

Doing practices that feed the spirit fills you and you come to the table of communion with others full so that you may enjoy the feast not as a ravenous animal but a royal.

Today's Affirmation:
I am full of Love. I accept the love of others as an addition to the overflow I already am.

Be well, Be Blessed, Be Love