Sunday, July 17, 2011

The easy way out or an easier way

There have been times in my life when I have looked for easy street to get the easy way out. That easy way out was never easy. It is a road steeped in fear. The fear that says I do not trust myself or my abilities and most of all God. What I realize now is that my soul was asking for an easier way than the ones I kept choosing. Asking for an easier way is asking for God to help you with the process. Asking for an easier way is reaching your hand out to God whose hand is always extended.

Thought for Today:
Looking for an easier way is easier than looking for the easy way.

Today's Affirmation:
I ask for and receive solutions that work in harmony with the Laws of the universe. I embrace a new way of thinking, doing and being that stem from love and self- respect,self- acceptance. I am empowered by my choices and live fully from my truth.