I had an experience today while washing my hair that prompted me to ask the question "Where else in my life do i only see what i am looking for"?
The story:
In the shower i looked to make sure that before washing my hair i had both a shampoo and conditioner available. After washing i rinsed thoroughly and picked up the conditioner squeezed some into the palm of my hand and i began to massage it throughout my hair. It began to foam up. I wiped the soap from my eyes and picked up the bottle and to my surprise it said, "shampoo & Conditioner". when i had looked at it before i only saw the word conditioner because that is what i was looking for.
So now i ask myself "Where else in my life do i only see what i am looking for"? Seeing only what i am looking for keeps me limited and only allows me to make a decisions based on partial truths and stories i made up to be true.
We can not be one way one place and another way another place. The way we are in one area we are in every area of our lives.
Though For Today:
When we see only what we are looking for this does not allow us to see the whole picture.
Questions to ponder:
1. Where else do i do this in my life?
2. How am i actively participating in this experience by choosing to ignore things i do not want to deal with?
3. What am i affirming about myself and my ability when i do this?
Todays Affirmation:
I AM open to seeing the whole picture. I am willing to look beyond my limited perception of every situation. I am willing to see through the eyes of love.