The Experience:
As I breathed in and grounded my energy I felt completely supported by the stones I was sitting on. As I felt the water all around me I felt a pressure on my left from one of the jets and the slight pressure from the one that was just ahead of me a foot away. I could hear the turbulence in the water and i could feel the bubbles all around me. I asked myself what would happen if I leaned into the jet that was a foot away. When I did I felt the spray of water misted on my face and the pressure from the jet to my left lessened. I sat up and felt the coolness of the air around me in contrast to the heated water I was in. Eventually I got out of the water to write about it and as I did the timer went off and the jests stopped and the soothing sound of the water fall came on.
The Lesson:
What I learned is that I can be grounded in the midst of life’s turbulence’s all I need do is open myself to being supported by the foundation of the stones of my life; My connection to my source through meditation, prayer and my connection to my ancestors who have weathered all manner of storms. I will feel moments of being uncomfortable but where I place my attention will determine how I experience it. I can choose to lean into the discomfort without judgment and it will not hurt me. Leaning into what I can face in any moment allows it to sprinkle its mist of knowledge and experience into bubbles of effervescent wisdom. When I face one issue head on it alleviates the pressure from other perceived experiences. Sitting up in any situation instead of lying down and wallowing in it I can feel the heat but know that I can keep my cool. I can choose how I respond. I can take time to reflect on my experiences and meditate to see the gift and soon the gift of every experience is revealed.
I am open to seeing the lesson in every experience as the gift in the present moments of my life.