The power of a full moon can be difficult to handle The trick to moving through the energy of the full moon is to be in full allowance and nonresistance to what shows up. Often we're caught up in a whirlwind of emotions being thrown hither and tither with not just what we're feeling but as a result of what others are feeling too. Oceans merge with rivers and streams overflow. As an empath it is very important for me to stay abreast of my feeling, constantly checking in with me to gauge where I AM and measure when emotions have shifted. I pay attention not only to myself and the energy around me but the cycles of the moon too so that I can balance. Finding balance is about awareness so that we can make the necessary adjustment in order to not be overthrown. One of my clients asked me what I would suggest to do to work with the moon to either harness the energy or calm it?
My first thought is time to go outside, right now outside, which is 5:20 in the morning. Take a look at the moon and let her fill you up. Letting her fill you up is a heart opening experience. It fills your entire being with light and it is as if by acknowledging her, we connect with the moon of our own being. We connect with the light within us that takes us from the darkness we're experiencing and illuminates a radiance of being that emanates pure unconditional love.
Meditating with the moon allows her energy to permeate your body your mind and your spirit so that this light fill you up. This light is filled with all the emotions we've bottled up or kept hidden. As the Eternal Grandmother she has a gentleness and fierceness of the wise old woman. She is nonplussed by our upsets. She teaches us to BE the watcher. She coos at the childlike nature of our minds and emotions. She shushes our incessant whining and pats us on our backs to the rhythm of her heart beat.
Go outside and connect with the earth. Stop, Drop and Roll! Stop what you think you should be doing, Drop to your knees, butt or back and Roll around in the dirt grounding your energy in the earth. Sit and drop you anchor in the center of the Earth and let her fill you with the power to withstand the tides of emotions moving around you. The earth and moon, mother and grandmother. They will work together for our GoOD!
Beloved Grandma Moon teach me how to be with my emotions instead of in my emotions. Help me to withstand the torrents of inflexibility and rigid thought patterns and behaviors that keep me from being fluid and grace filled in every situation.
Mother Earth, anchor me to your core and help me to heal from the inside out. Provide me with the nourishment of time, thought and behavior that supports being grounded in the present. Help me to stay firm in my Faith when the waters of life become rough with the tides of change. Help me to know when to break open and let Grandma Moon rise the waters within to cool the heat of my impatience.