I keep trying to address this in a way that makes sense of the situation. I keep trying to address it from a spiritual and human perspective and I, at the moment, am simply at a loss for words. I know that I am the creator of my reality and my consciousness effects the reality of the world I live in. I also know that I am a part of the collective consciousness and my consciousness effects the collective. sooooo now the words flow…
The work we do must be two fold. There is inner work to do and outside work to do. We must address the thoughts we hold, the feeling that are created from those thoughts and the actions we take as a result of those thoughts. When we cannot see the thoughts clearly, like the unconscious beliefs that run silently in the background of our mind creating behaviors that are unhealthy, we must look at our life and ask how is what we are experience being created and what we are consciously or unconsciously doing to create, support or permit this. Lastly we must “GET WOKE” and not just get there but “STAY WOKE.” When we wake up, we awaken to our nature. We awaken to that fact that we have feelings but we are not our feelings. We awaken to that Truth, that we are love. We awaken to the nature that we are connected to each other in a spiritual, physical and emotional way.
Every time we harm another we harm ourself. These harms happen with our thoughts, our actions and spiritually through shutting others out of our heart, We must look to those who have gone before us and made peaceful changes. We must take a deep dive into the practices of Dr. Martin Luther King, Mahatma Gandhi, Nelson Mandela and the leaders who strive to put Spirit into practice. To address the Spiritual maladies in a physical way such that real and long lasting healing happens.
This war that is going on is a spiritual war. We have been sickened in our Spirit. Our Spirit has been separated from its Truth. We have forgotten that it is the Spirit that is carried on the breath within us and that that breath is that which we all share and when I take your breath away, I cannot breathe.