Friday, May 8, 2020

Ask and it is given.

Sometimes the Universe delivers what feels like a harsh reality to us in the form of a cold bucket of water splashed on the body already freezing with too much feeling,  too deep a grief, and walking in the flood of denial. 

  I asked for a sign, and there it was. 

I said I wanted three signs that something in my life was over and this picture popped up. I said ok I want two more signs and as I asked, my friend liked my comment on IG and said yes to the question of “could I use it,”  producing the same picture two more times. This means for me that this is a HUGE energetic shift and a karmic release of which I am truly thankful. 

 All this to say that the time of deep healing is upon us. Full Moon in Scorpio, the sign of the zodiac that is represented by true depth of emotional healing is here. The ability to go so deep that you come out the other side. All I can say is thank God. Thank you Divine Source that my time for healing has come and the depths of which I am to heal is deeper than I could have thought to do alone. You are with me. Thy Rod, which holds the energy to direct my prayers into fruition, thy Staff which I lean upon to hold me up through the many ways I have faltered, that comforts me to remember I am not alone. 

This time of Emotional Healing right now is as wide and deep and expansive as the ocean. The Mother of all life, the waters of which we could not live without. The Supreme Mother some call Yemmeya, represented by all mothers. As Mothers day approaches, on the heels of this Super Full Moon, let us heal the mother wound which heals the Earth and the fullness there of, which is you, me and the world. 

We are the fullness of the Earth. We are her inhabitants. We are what is healing. We are the connection we desire, we are the love we have been seeking, we are Now in our Holy’ness, as the return of the Christ, the consciousness of TRUTH is realized in every one. 

So as this thing called covid 19 continues to cause havoc in our lives whether directly or indirectly, let us do the internal work to self-quarantine; to isolate those thoughts, beliefs and behaviors that no longer serve us and heal on the deepest level possible so that we are ready, willing and able to sustain ourselves on the new earth were a deeper connection to the whole will be experienced, where the intention will be felt without need to be expressed, where the need to speak will be less because we will “feel”each other and that feeling will be what guides us into the next moment, and the next. This healing is the purification of the emotional, mental and physical bodies so the the Spiritual Body can take its rightful place in man, at the center of the heart and the center of the head. This connection is the illumination of our Spiritual Light bodies as we become the Light-House of love. Let what needs to die within us die so we can be Spiritually Reborn

In me is all that I need to weather the storm, to walk through the fire and be Reborn.