Monday, June 15, 2009

Your Garden

Sometimes it is painful to tend the garden of our life. As we weed out the debris and the rubbish that others may have thrown in our yard whither it be the debris of family conflict, sibling rivalry or lack of parental love, as well as all that we have consciously and unconsciously neglected, Pain shows up. As we stand in the Sun Shine of our ultimate truth as it is beaming brightly down upon the false hood of our limited belief in our current situation , we experience vertigo, sweating , dizziness, hunger and thirst . We must nourish our selves with the Water of our Spirit. Choosing things, events, people and places and activities that support this greater truth.
Upon careful cultivation and tilling of the soil we can choose to consciously plant that which we desire and nurture it in to fruition. The way we nurture our Spirit that feeds the garden of our soul is through prayer, meditation healthy food choices, healthy choices in friends and relationships as well as an interest in the health of our human community as our own.
The world we live in today is a reflection of our collective unconscious and conscious beliefs. Being aware of the state of our world today should give you the importance of having a vested interest in what is happening to your neighbor, in your neighborhood, community, city, state , country and eventually the world. It is important to love your neighbor as thy self, because caring about your neighbor is caring about yourself. No (wo)man shall be left behind therefore it is in your best interest to give your neighbor a helping hand. If the neighbor is hungry offer her food from your plate. As you work to tend the garden of your personal life and pitch in to assist in the gardening of you other self that shows up as you neighbor, neighborhood and community, you will begin to notice a flowering of life springing up all around you. If each person practiced this, the landscape of existence would become the Garden of Eden. Further development and fertilization of the soil done through meditation, sitting in silence and allowing the landscape of your beliefs to be shown to you by your inner truth so that you may consciously choose which which weeds are beneficial to the soil and which must be plucked up so that it will not choke the grass of your being. As we become clearer on what it is that we plant we will see how the words act as the paint on the canvas of our world and we will then see how every word is a prayer and we will pray feverently that all life come to the realiziation of it's greatest truth. we will pray for our neighbors, our brothers and sisters in Spirit because they are everywhere and everyone for as far as the eyes can see and beyond. Then every where we go we shall truly find a friend a lover and a Divine reflection of ourself and it is then that we shall all be able to wake up one day to enjoy the fruits our our labor.