I recently had an experience and from that one encounter I began to draw a story around what it meant and all the possibilities that could arise from it. While doing this I realized that I had begun to weave a tale of expectation which would inevitably be a trap for myself. Until today it has felt more secure to think of the possibilities instead of admitting I don't know. The "Unknown" must be lovingly faced with faith. I remember this as I say my name "Ki-Mani" which means gift of faith in Yoruba. That is my gift from God and I have the faith I need to face the unknown.
Thought for Today:
The stories we make up about what it is we experience and what that experience means helps create a safety net for ourselves and this gives us a false sense of security, which is why ultimately we behave insecurely.
Today's Affirmation:
I stay in the present moment to open the gift of now. I allow tomorrow to unfold from the present.
Thought for Today:
The stories we make up about what it is we experience and what that experience means helps create a safety net for ourselves and this gives us a false sense of security, which is why ultimately we behave insecurely.
Today's Affirmation:
I stay in the present moment to open the gift of now. I allow tomorrow to unfold from the present.