Monday, August 29, 2011

Day 5

Today is day 5 on the Journey into the Self!

Spiritual Affirmation

Nothing is innately bad. I only do what brings me the results I desire.

Mental Exercise

Carry a small note book or pad, Write down EVERY time you are in judgment.

For some people this might take a minute to realize we are judging. Sometimes judgment looks like “ Oh but I am just calling it like I see it” Our seeing is a matter of our filter system and we do not see correctly. As a southerner often times we soften a blow with the words “bless her heart” or “poor dear” perhaps you might say “God bless them” All of this is meaning well but ask yourself what thought or phrase prompted this statement?

Physical Exercise

Walk into your office, or place of business, home, gym, grocery store wherever and consciously intent to ONLY SEE the good in everyone there.
(Ensure you have your handy dandy writing pad next to you. This exercise just might help you see the opposite)

Emotional Exercise (The FAST)
I fast from judgments. I accept others and myself exactly I AM.