Today is day 9 on the Journey into the Self!
Spiritual Affirmation
In detachment I am a part of everything. I learn to Trust, Live and Move from the inside out!
Mental Exercise & Physical Exercise & Emotional Exercise (The FAST)
Today consciously choose to detach from drama. Turn off all external stimulation (right after you read this) and for the next 24 hrs. DO NOT use or engage any media or electronic device.( TAKE A BREATH) it’s only for 24 hours. I invite you to write down right now what is coming up for you in terms of fear. Resistance, worry or any other emotion. This does not mean we have to be alone. If you have a desire to visit someone why not go over and surprise them, right now. Engage in conscious communication. If you are thinking “I hate when people just show up at my door” journal why this is so. Where have you learned it? What does it mean to you.? How has it served or limited the natural creative expression of spontaneity in you? If you have plans with someone. Show up as you’ve agreed. Why do you feel the need to confirm ? Is it because we are often not honoring our word. Use this day to really see what’s going on all the time in you and is not recognized when our energy is plugged into external sources.
Spiritual Affirmation
In detachment I am a part of everything. I learn to Trust, Live and Move from the inside out!
Mental Exercise & Physical Exercise & Emotional Exercise (The FAST)
Today consciously choose to detach from drama. Turn off all external stimulation (right after you read this) and for the next 24 hrs. DO NOT use or engage any media or electronic device.( TAKE A BREATH) it’s only for 24 hours. I invite you to write down right now what is coming up for you in terms of fear. Resistance, worry or any other emotion. This does not mean we have to be alone. If you have a desire to visit someone why not go over and surprise them, right now. Engage in conscious communication. If you are thinking “I hate when people just show up at my door” journal why this is so. Where have you learned it? What does it mean to you.? How has it served or limited the natural creative expression of spontaneity in you? If you have plans with someone. Show up as you’ve agreed. Why do you feel the need to confirm ? Is it because we are often not honoring our word. Use this day to really see what’s going on all the time in you and is not recognized when our energy is plugged into external sources.
Be gentle with yourself. Do it for an hour, a day, or the next thirteen minutes. Start at a particular time if you like, just DO IT! Whenever you start make sure if you are only setting aside a short time to do it that the time you set aside is mindful and not mindless. Set an intention to be awake and alert to the inner world and your outer experience of it. If you find that you are unable to do it for 24 hours that's ok. Explore what it is that came up for you. Know that there is no wrong or right way to do this journey and no competition.