Today is day 4 on the Journey into the Self!
Spiritual Affirmation
I AM all that I think I am and more.
Mental Exercise
Write down a list things you think about yourself. Pick one thing that you think that uplifts you and another that you know does not serve you. Set a reminder throughout this day to be reminded of this two things alternating the positive and negative. 12 times
On the 13th time integrate the two words together in the reminder and sit with that thought for a few minutes.
{example: I am a happy person (joy) I am easily disturbed (frustration) the blending of these to words could be (FRJOSTRYATIONY) Become aware of how you feel when faced with the two together} When faced with the two words combined it seems silly. This reprograms our mind to focus on a conscious choice instead of following our habitual thoughts.
Physical Exercise
Yoga Strike a pose. Pick one yoga pose and do it consciously for the next 13 minutes.
Emotional Exercise (The FAST)
I fast from the need to be anything other than I AM.