Monday, August 29, 2011

Day 3

Today is day 3 on the Journey into the Self!

Spiritual Affirmation
I will only allow nourishing things in me. I will nourish my spirit with positive words my body with healthy foods and my emotions with plenty of love.

Mental Exercise
Write down a list of foods that you love and consume that you feel are unhealthy for you. Pick one thing from that list . Write down all the things you will gain if you made the choice to give it up even for a little while.

Physical Exercise
Choose to give up the item you listed in the mental exercise.
Today I choose to give up bread (Insert Scream) for the next 13 days.

Emotional Exercise (The FAST)
What did the food represent for you on an emotional level? Bread for me represents quickness. I release the need to rush and have immediate gratification. I fast from any thoughts that imply I do not have time.