Monday, August 29, 2011

Day 2

Today is day 2 on the Journey into the Self!

Spiritual Affirmation
I am determination in action. Everything I set my mind to I complete. When I do not complete something I realize I have set my mind to another thought. I acknowledge this and accept it as an opportunity to realign my mind with Divine Mind again.

Mental Exercise
I will list two things I have set my mind to do and completed. I will look at these to things and find the common denominator. Is it level of commitment, ease of execution, time of day, level of expertise or experience? What made both these things successful in my life? How determined was I to complete it?

Physical Exercise
Today take an opportunity to go a little further in your exercise. If you do not exercise go and walk for 13 minutes! If you do exercise already add 13 minutes to your current routine!

Emotional Exercise (The FAST)
Today fast from ever thinking of yourself as a failure.