Today is day 6 on the Journey into the Self!
Spiritual Affirmation
I honor my Physical and Spiritual Heritage.
Mental Exercise
Part of accepting others and yourself exactly as you are comes with accepting and honoring your heritage. We have both a physical heritage and a Spiritual heritage. We cannot honor one without honoring the other because everything done in Spirit is done in matter. What we honor in spirit is honored in matter. Today write down what you know of your ancestral lineage, acknowledge where your roots are.
Physical Exercise
First thing I want you to do is BREATHE! Your breath connects you to Spirit. In your breathing remember you are connected to Spirit and it is from spirit you move and have your being.
NOW here comes the physical exercise. Reach out today to a relative you have been estranged from (TAKE BREATH). This relative may be living or deceased. If the relative is living reach out just say hello and be open for God to guide the rest of the way. If the relative is in the Spirit write a letter or speak out loud your hello and be open for God to guide the rest. (Are you breathing?)
Emotional Exercise (The FAST)
Be willing to allow healing to happen from your experience and to embrace a stronger love for that which you have come from both in the Spirit and in the flesh.
Fast from allowing any unloving thoughts or words to happen between you and family.
(you are always free to journal about your experience)