Today is day 7 on the Journey into the Self!
Spiritual Affirmation
In the knowing that I AM forever connected to ALL THAT IS
I ask to be forgiven for all the hurt I have caused
And I know I AM forgiven
I ask to forgive all the hurt I have experienced
And I know I AM forgiving
I ask to forgive myself for all of my failings
And I know I AM forgiveness
(David Tangredi)
Mental Exercise
Forgiveness is an active exercise into the error of our thinking.
Remember all the wrongs you have done and all the wrongs that have been done to you. Write them all one a sheet of paper in no particular order. Mix them up and write as the thoughts come along. Take the paper, burn it, rip it up and bury it. Let by gone be by gone and let the healing happen now.
Physical Exercise
Do one act of random kindness today.
ONE act to pay forward the goodness of the Truth of who you really are.
Emotional Exercise (The FAST)
Realize today that it is your thinking that has gotten you right where you are.
Endeavor in this moment and every moment to turn your thoughts to the inner being that knows the truth of what you see.