Caution and Alert!
Today it dawned on me as I was praying that I have placed a limitation on God, the source of infinite possibilities. I have been derailed by the indoctrination of my acceptance and expectance of what experiences I have allowed with the word caution and alert. In my prayer I used the words caution and be on alert for the good in my life. Then some part of me realized that there was an incongruent pattern of thought happening within me and they were unequally yoked. I looked up the word cautious on my trusted IPhone dictionary and the noun definition said “judicious in avoiding harm or danger. As a creator I realize that every time I hear those words either consciously or unconsciously I create in my mind the picture of the expectancy of danger when I could just as easily expect the good.
Paul Ferrini says in his book “Love without Conditions” page 62 that “When your mind is in conflict, you do not move out of conflict by choosing between two opposing positions”, “You move out of conflict by accepting both positions” without making one good and the other bad.
Today i practice just that. Now that I know I think this way about the words caution and alert I am conscious and aware that it’s opposite exists within me as well. I don’t need to do anything but be aware of this and allow my inner guidance system to alert me as to which one I am using at any given moment. I can now choose to develop a deeper relationship to the expectancy of good in my life by being cautious and alert for its appearance. This doesn’t negate the fact that I can be cautious in situations where I feel I am in danger it just broadens the use of the word and changes my unconscious relationship with it so that I am in choice about how I use it.
Paul Ferrini says in his book “Love without Conditions” page 62 that “When your mind is in conflict, you do not move out of conflict by choosing between two opposing positions”, “You move out of conflict by accepting both positions” without making one good and the other bad.
Today i practice just that. Now that I know I think this way about the words caution and alert I am conscious and aware that it’s opposite exists within me as well. I don’t need to do anything but be aware of this and allow my inner guidance system to alert me as to which one I am using at any given moment. I can now choose to develop a deeper relationship to the expectancy of good in my life by being cautious and alert for its appearance. This doesn’t negate the fact that I can be cautious in situations where I feel I am in danger it just broadens the use of the word and changes my unconscious relationship with it so that I am in choice about how I use it.
Thought For Today :
I am Alert and Cautious in using Caution!
I am Alert beacuse I accept both uses of the word caution. I become neutral allowing the truth of its use to be revealed to me. I am cautious and alert to always be on the lookout for the good in my life just as I am the bad. I learn to live in the expectancy of good!
I am Alert beacuse I accept both uses of the word caution. I become neutral allowing the truth of its use to be revealed to me. I am cautious and alert to always be on the lookout for the good in my life just as I am the bad. I learn to live in the expectancy of good!