Accept no substitutions! We are all perfect in the eyes of God. Our error and flaws are perfect in the way that they create space for us to grow and to learn in the moment we experience them. Perfection exists in the awareness of every moment that you are only ever in the moment. To create that perfect life, perfect husband, prefect wife, perfect job, relationship you name it, it is only possible when we realize that no-thing is perfect and in the Divine scheme of things everything is perfect. Today revel in the Divine imperfections in life and its perfect order. In that perfection is accomplished and even then i will fail to remember
I am the perfect creation of the Divine. Every thing about me is perfect and as i see the perfection in all of me i see the perfection is all of you. I acknowledge that every error is an error in my thinking that anything but perfection exists. I acknowledge that in my human mind i find fault and error in every crack and crevice of existence and in my Divine sate i see the perfection in the flaws. The organic process of life has its own rhythm and i learn in this moment to flow in the rhythm of the now and release the rhythm of need. I have every thing i need and if i have need of anything it is recognized and fulfilled moment by moment any thought outside of this is a thought of lack and limitation that i place on the Divine to show up for me to me and through me. As i live my best life now i life a perfect life filled with many mistakes and flaws that are perfect in the reflection of the Divine presence that I AM.