Years of resentment, anger, rage, judgment, criticism, hate and pain. Whew and that’s just what I can remember. I became ready to release and this process took on a physical experience of expulsion. I felt dizzy, nauseous and I wanted to throw up, and I did. During the healing process sometimes things look ugly. It looks like emotional vomit being spit up and spewed out onto the floor of life.
Oh it was ugly. Who knew? Thoughts can make you sick. Yes thoughts are just that powerful they can make you ill physically and emotionally. When they are allowed to grow in us unchecked, running wild in our subconscious they create attitudes and behaviors that feed its continued growth like weeds in a garden. They must be released, in order for your Spirit to be wiped clean. I released all of those painful memories that really are just memories that I had attached a story to and offered a vibration to which created a resonance within me that coordinated to the vibration I offered. This kept me in pain and resentment and anger and hate and kept out love, joy and peace. Today I let it all go.
After cleaning up the mess I created I dropped it into the trash can. The mess that you create can be incomplete business with ex’s or unfinished, unresolved emotional issues with parents, friends, bosses and even ourselves.
Today is trash day on my street and so I put my garbage outside for the garbage man to pick up. I watched as one man put it in the street and another man picked it up and tossed it into the dump truck. I watched as the truck drove away, I watched as the fears, regrets, anger, resentment and pain that I released was removed from my presence, grateful that all the toxic waste within my mind had been carried away from me and I am made whole. Thank God for the garbage collectors.
Who is your garbage collector? How do you throw out your trash? When is pick up day?
Pick up day can be today. Today you can pick up your own trash of emotional wounds, fears, insecurities and throw it out of the door of your being which is your heart. How you throw out your trash is the way you process your emotions in a real and authentic way allowing them to come forth without judgment and choosing to hold no-thing back. It is the Holy Spirit that takes it away and forgiveness and love find its way into the clearing you have made.
Whatever emotional refuse that is still hanging on that is keeping you from experiencing the joy of life let it go today and let the trash collector take it away. Every day can be trash day.
Today’s Affirmation:
I surrender all thoughts, beliefs and perceptions about myself to the Holy Spirit.
I release emotional garbage and let the Holy Spirit take it away.
I let the Spirit of God, the Spirit of good fill the void in me with love.
And So It Is.