After that I don’t know why but I decided
to clean the many candles I had lit. I took them and scraped the extra wax and
soot off the wick. I did that to each one and in each one the wick stood taller
no longer falling into the wax as it melted. The candles burned brighter and
the light was evident. This light was a reflection of the inner light that I had
just cleaned off. The soot was the doubt,
fear, anger and self-judgment that came up for healing and I AM the flame, my wick, newly trimmed from fear to faith ready to
illuminate my life with joy and new found energy to manifest my dreams.
We all have a light within us that needs
love and attention. Self-care is the box that it comes in. How have you cared
fully for yourself today? Stop take a long deep breath and remember the truth
of who you are through the practice of caring fully for yourself. I did today
and I am oh so glad I did.
To find information about the Master Peace soap I used go to or Ken & Renee Kizer and conscious connected breathing go to
Your journey to healing is one step at a time. Be Well & in Love Ki'Mani
To find information about the Master Peace soap I used go to or Ken & Renee Kizer and conscious connected breathing go to
Your journey to healing is one step at a time. Be Well & in Love Ki'Mani