There are days like
today that I really wish that I could return to the life I used to live; the
life of being unconscious and happy go lucky. I was moving along in mass
consciousness not taking responsibility for my actions believing that life was
happening to me and not through me. Then one day the Divine urge woke me up and
I said yes. “What was I thinking?” I wasn’t I was feeling and being alive.
That is me today. I
need me to move with a sense of urgency. I feel like I am fighting for my life.
I feel like if I don’t get there I will die. I feel the tears even now as I
write this. It is hard to breath but I do little sips of air until I can take a deep breath and I do. I breathe and I remember
the end of the dream. I saw me at the top, ushered in with support, crossing
the threshold of the apex of all my desires. It is this vision that I allow to
pull me forward. I get it now. “They” said allow the vision to pull me forward.
“They” said the future dictates the present. Yes. I have seen that I will reach
the top. It is this that I focus on and allow to pull me forward to my destiny.
The bible says that “my
people perish without dreams” I have dreamt the dream and now I must do what it
takes to bring it to fruition. I had fallen asleep behind the wheel. I had
slipped back into unconsciousness. I had fallen into a stupor and I am jolted
awake by this feeling of heaviness on my chest and a catch in my throat like I
am drowning. I have been afraid to take in life. I had been afraid to take a
full breath. Yes breathing is what I must do to make it. I think of “Buffy”
Anissa Mcunu her motto “keep pushing y’all” and I press on to the finish line.
My goal lay just past
the tape of completing this year at inner vision. I thought my goal was that
end; to walk across the stage at graduation. Now I see my goal is the life I
will lead and who I will be when this step is complete. “She” is the one
fighting for her life. “She” is the one blaring in my ear to breathe. “She” is
the one doing mouth to mouth resuscitating me back to life, begging me to
breathe, wake up, her life depends on it.
I feel “Her” presence
aching inside of me with deep longing. I feel “Her” presence urging me forward
to say yes again. “She” is no longer willing to accept “I can’t”. “She” is no longer willing to accept “I don’t
know how”. “She” is no longer willing to accept I’m afraid”. “She” can see
“Her” life beyond my limitations, beyond the fears and doubts. “She” can see
“Her” power and “Her” presences as God’s Beloved child. “She” can taste it on
the tip of her thoughts. “She” can smell the mouthwatering unconditional love
that lay just on the other side of YES.
“She” is me.