In ORDER TO BE THE Alpha we must
control the little dogs in our life! The little dogs are the yippy snippy
doubts and insecurities that show up to deter us from our greatness. The song
"Who Let The Dogs Out" says a dog is not a dog without a bone. This refers to the “Bone” of focus.
When we give “Focus” to those voices inside of us we give them power. Meditation
teaches us to watch our thoughts. To see them pass by like a character on the
movie screen. When we give them focus they become the movie (life). If you’ve
ever watched Cesar Malan in Dog Whisper or any other show about animals you will see
that the Alpha goes first. The Alpha takes care of his/her-self and in doing so
can support the little dogs in being a part of the pack. The Alpha doesn’t
dismiss the smaller dogs, she acknowledges them as a vital part to the order
and structure of the pack. Don’t shoo away your fears and don’t become absorbed
by them. Use them to support you in doing what is necessary to redefining and
recommitting yourself to your “Big Dog” status.
Prayer for today:
God today I show up for myself to do the work that is necessary to
create the Big Dog status that I have set for myself. I recognize you are the
power in me and without you I can do no-thing. You are My Alpha and My Omega.
In me is my connection to you as the power to be my own Big Dog. In me you are
My Alpha and My Omega to live the life of my dreams and desires. Right where I
AM You Are. I AM the Alpha and the Omega. I accept the responsibility of being
“Big Dog” and I do the work that is necessary to attain and maintain my Big Dog
status. I release thinking that the things I must do to achieve my dreams is
work or a burden and reframe it to accept is as a pleasure to do what is
necessary to attain and maintain the status of Big Dog that I AM. God it is with
gratitude that I submit my will to your will. It is with pleasure that I bow to
the Alpha in me that is you and rise up to be the Me you have created me to be
with joy and humbleness accepting I AM who I AM as BIG DOG!!!