Upgrading your operating system

Today as I was working on fixing my computer’s camera because my computer wasn’t registering that I had one, it was suggested to me that perhaps I needed to update my computer. So, I checked it and sure enough I did! It took the better part of almost twenty minutes to complete the task even after shutting down windows that were open and such. I wanted to rush the process because this happened at what I consider to be the most inopportune time, in the middle of a class via zoom. I wanted to rush through it but I couldn’t. It was going to take the time it was going to take, and interrupting it could cause serious damage or make the system operations inefficient or malfunction all together.
This led me to think what other ways in my life am I missing connections to key components thereby operating inefficiently and need to update my operating system? Do you still operate from ideas and beliefs that you had five, ten, fifteen or even twenty years ago? Can you use an upgrade to your thoughts? If you are in the process of up-leveling your self through spiritual development, education or by any other means, do you feel it’s taking a long time? Perhaps changing behaviors is taking the better part of twenty years. Can you be patient with yourself? Like the computers update, our upgrades in spiritual, mental and emotional intelligence may take time. It will take the time it needs according to your individual programing. To interrupt it could cause challenges in the outcome of your evolution.
As we are all on this beautiful journey, be gentle and patient with yourself. Never mind about others. They are there but you can only move, shift, transform and be you according to you, not them. Perhaps your changes are happening during a time that may not be convenient for you or for others, let it happen anyway and find peace in it. Peace brings the Grace necessary to face the difficulties of transition.
Today be willing to up grade your operating system by allowing new information to enter your awareness and be patient with the time it takes for integration. Just for today acknowledge you are a student in this school called life and as far as you know your graduation date isn’t up yet.
I allow my system of thoughts, words and ways of being to be up graded by Spirit and I accept the time it takes to do so. I enjoy the journey.