Monday, April 20, 2020

Another Ah Ha Moment

This morning while I was cleaning out my car I found a phone holder to assist in making videos. As I headed to the trash to throw it out I looked at it and had the thought, “Maybe I could just buy the piece that’s broken?” It was in that moment that I had an awareness. It is often in the most mundane circumstances that the awakenings occur. This is why awakening is a journey and not a destination. Awakening is done in the realm of the physical, in the human ordinary everyday experiences of daily life. If we seem to only become enlightened in our spiritual endeavors, only when we have lit the incense and when the crystal bowls chime, we miss the ability to be truly awake, alive and divine. 

So back to my awakened moment. I realized that I try to save things, way past their expiration date. I try to fix what’s sometimes broken beyond repair and often I try to repurpose what is useless. Initially I thought this was a good idea. What’s the old saying, “Waste not want not”?And yet this “not wasting” was clogging up my life and stifling the flow of abundance, creativity and freedom and left me wanting financially, creatively and flexibly. This moment gave me life. It gave me breath and it gave me energy, strength and courage. One moment of awareness can do that. We don’t need hours upon hours of meditation and spiritual immersion, classes and abstinence. We need to be able to appropriately ingest and navigate what we do intake as awakenings and utilize it to its fullest. 

This moment of clarity has inspired me to release lots of things and I feel free. I feel expansive and I feel excited for the first time in weeks. I feel excited to let go and be free. This letting go is a daily process of eliminating thoughts, behaviors and beliefs that no longer serve me. So it really doesn’t matter where I learned it or how long I’ve been doing it. All that matters is that I utilize the awareness to create change today and what I choose today will take care of tomorrow.

So my friend, let me ask you, what is it that you can let go of? What is it you’ve been trying to fix, repurpose or have kept way past its expiration date? Is it a belief, a relationship, a job, a habit? Feel free to borrow this awareness as your own now that you are reading it and let yourself be free.


Today I give myself permission to let go of what has been holding me back, what has weighed me down and what has clogged the channels of creativity, abundance and freedom. I release my hold on it because I no longer hold onto what isn’t working, hasn’t worked or what is outdated and obsolete. I step into an irrevocable freedom and I celebrate all the good that flows as a result of my conscious choice. Amen.