Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Of Wonderment & AWE!

Every day alive is an opportunity to experience a life of wonderment and awe. Yesterday I was complaining that the time I had set aside was now taken to do other things. I let it go and went with the flow. I allowed myself to be ok with what was instead of being annoyed with what wasn't. As I went along with the flow other signs started to show up. I had in my possession a cell phone, an iPad and a computer. All showed signs of low battery. I took this as a message to unplug from the vortex and let myself relax. I gave myself permission to enjoy the day free from the constraints of a schedule. The next day I was gifted with the time I had complained that I didn't have the day before. It showed up by way of a canceled flight. This, what looked like more delays, became an opportunity to do all that I hadn't done the day before, and to write this blog, which is a blessed bonus.

What lesson does this hold for me that might also be a gift to you? The message was that whatever shows up is a gift waiting to be unwrapped the moment we unwrap ourselves out of the bondage of illusion. The illusion of things appearing as they seem. What appears as a problem then becomes a gift. What appears as a challenge then become an opportunity. What appears as a fear then become fodder for the Strength of Faith.

My lesson; Everything is ALWAYS ALL RIGHT! I AM IN THE DIVINE FLOW OF GoOD! Every step is accounted for and leads me beside the still waters of Perfect Trust and Perfect Peace I AM THAT I AM.


By Divine Decree 
and in the Name of 
My Great GodPressence within and Above me Back of ALL THINGS
I AM Divinely Guided and Directed
My Path is Cleared 
My Way is Straight
My Choices Lead me to the Highest Pass
I AM Faith Filled I AM FREE
