Saturday, September 5, 2015

Abundant Living!

Sometimes I get scared on this journey I’ve undertaken. I forget that I AM following the gentle promptings of my heart; the voice of Spirit to lead my way. Today I was thinking of what I said yes to. The reality that I left my job of 26 years to follow My Bliss. The thought of “will I be able to make it?” WELL! Every time I ask a question, I get an answer. 

I was minding my own business, happily talking with new and old friends and without provocation I was gifted a bushel of Organic locally farmed fruits and vegetables. This bushel was an abundance of Life Source Energy in physical form. Life Force Energy is Money in its RAW form. Money, “M”y “O”wn “N”atural “E”nergy “Y”ields. What I was given was an abundant source of RAW Natural Energy which would have cost at minimum $100 dollars or more in stores like Whole Foods. This picture is all of it pared across my kitchen table!!! WOW! Can you believe it? How Awesome is that? To live in the Abundant Ever Present Flow of GoOD! 

Money in the Raw 
The kicker which made this event even more profound for me was that earlier in the day, I’d refused service to a perspective client. This is an important piece of information as an entrepreneur. Often times we sacrifice our standards and self for the “need” of money, with the “the customer is always right” attitude, or the “suck it up and do it “ attitude. Well I didn’t. I truly felt that this person would be more trouble that it was worth just through our short interaction. I was learning the lesson between judgement and discernment. I  didn’t dwell on the fact that I didn’t have any clients scheduled for the day or yesterday. 

In the process, I spent time elevating my energy by listening to the Teachings of Abraham. Abraham suggests that you seek to see the best in every situation by creating positive aspects. So yesterday I expressed gratitude for the free time I now had to clear out clutter and make space for new in my life. New thoughts, new ideas, new experiences and opportunities of wealth. Today when I would have been seeing the client I had refused service to, instead  I spent it doing business in a very leisurely way, by making connections. This day turned into a day of many synchronicities. I came across many people who enriched my life just by knowing them, including the woman who gifted me the bushel of fruits and vegetables. Some of them will perhaps be business connections. Abundance also comes in the form of ideas to create more wealth. During this synchronous day, I  had an idea that I consider to be pure Spirit which will generate future income. Today I made three times more than I would have had I seen that one client. Today was a very abundant day indeed. 

The key to abundance is vibration. The ability to become a resonance of what it is you desire. This Resonance is without effort. You don’t “try” to “BE” you just “BE.” That BE”Ing is in the way you move in the world. Living in the present, which is the gift of limitless possibilities and acknowledging the gifts moment by moment in a quietly accepting way.

To help create the shift, whenever you feel down, sad or disheartened, relax into what you are feeling without judgement. Allow yourself to feel it like being on an elevator ride, passing through the floors without getting stuck on either one of them. I did just that yesterday. I allowed what i was feeling to come an I decided to listen to  something that would shift my state of BE”Ing. I listened to hours upon hours of “The Law of Attraction” I listened to Abraham through  Ester and let the words sink in without “trying” to get “it”. In that way I became it. 

Need help creating the shift?  Contact me.