Divine VS Animal Nature
This morning as I spent time in meditation my little furry baby joined me. Her name is Mila short for Miracle or Milagros in Spanish. Well Mila came beside me. Her little furry face rubbing my legs. I picked her up and began my breathing routine. Three breaths in, five breaths out. She jumped out from beside me and I opened my eyes, I let her go and closed them again. Three breaths in, five breaths out. She began to scratch the chair I was in. I picked her up, sat her next to me and again began my breathing. Three breaths in, five breaths out. Down she went again. We did this a few more rounds until I decided to hold her close to me. I held her close to my heart and I asked the Universe what the lesson is that she was teaching me. This was the awareness that came to me.
Our animal nature and our Divine nature exist side by side. The animal nature will always be fidgety and indecisive. Angry for some and aggressive in others. The animal nature will always want and need and perhaps fear. The animal nature plays the game of not enough, too much and mine verses yours. In all of that, “We” have choice. When our animal nature shows up we can either dismiss it or embrace it. When we embrace it with love and compassion we bring our Divine nature to it. When we hold it close to our hearts and cover it with unconditional love instead of judgment we tame the beast and allow both to exist. We stop the separation of God and man and Become ONE SUBLIME ENERGY MANIFEST IN FLESH! We merge the two and our life becomes ONE with all that is. We transform the mundane moments into manifest Miracles. We no longer separate ourselves from the other. We no longer separate our Spirit from the flesh ; We Transcend the Whole body and Soul into Light and Love. We Love, not war. We make Peace, not anger. We make the ideal of Freedom and Justice for all a reality, not just an ideal.
So the next time your animal nature shows up in your lap, try embracing it as it is without judgement. Hold it in your arms and see what it is really asking for. Do you need more attention? Do you need more love? Do you need to be heard, seen or recognized? Then offer it to yourself. Offer yourself unconditional love in the moment and watch the Miracle of Transformation become an Ordinary experience, because it is.