Sand flies, Beach tans and Happiness
August is New Jersey is a big month for vacationers. It’s the month before school begins and the shores are pumping with giggles and laughter and sunshine. This year is the first year that I decided to take an extended vacation. Never before in all my years have I been gone so long. It was often fear that kept me from doing so. The Kundalini Yoga tradition (I’m an instructor Level 1) has a Mantra called the Mul Mantra. The Mul Mantra is a “root mantra” from which a spiritual foundation is built. There is a word in the mantra that is ਨਿਰਭਉ=nirbho or Fearless. This year I am decided to be more fearless, to live my namesake “God’s gift of Faith” instead of fear. Living in Faith is Amazing and filled with so much Grace! Fearless doesn’t mean we wake up one day and live without it. It means as we are faced with it we feel it and move through the feeling into the Truth. We feel the fear and still move forward.
My faith took me on a journey, a vacation of three weeks and a deeper development in my Trust in Sources as my provider for all my needs. It was amazing and I feel rejuvenated, refreshed and restored. In fact i’m ready to return to work and ready to put my full attention to what I love.
Europe has the right idea when they say “we’re on holiday.” It is a holiday and celebration of life to take time off just to be, to enjoy life and to really Live. So what despite the citronella oil and probably toxic sunblock I still received bites on my arms, legs and back. I can look at each one as a testament to the beauty of the blues skies I laid under and the calm cooling waters I swam in. I can look at my beautiful brown skin now shades darker and know that the vitamin C I received was a natural outcome of fun in the sun! So what my pants are a little tighter and the scale moved up a few notches? I take that as an abundance of joy with mouthfuls of deliciousness! The gym will be glad to have me back in full force! Celebrate it all!!!
What have you done this summer to celebrate your body? Your family? Your Life? Make time to do something today. If you normally take one day, two days or more off I challenge, encourage and implore you to take a few more. More than you think you can afford too and Trust, Pray and have Faith that you will be taken care of in the process.
May you be prosperous in Spirit, rich in laughter and blessed.
Divine Love/ God's Love/ Goddess's Love, moves into my frequency and produces vibrations of love. It is the very foundation to my life and as source it is in my breath and my light. Its resonance and frequency goes out like radio waves and draws to me experiences that support more love. As Divine Love I am fearless. For Love absorbs all things within the atmosphere within and around me and transforms it all back unto itSelf. Only Love is real so only love is experienced.
Spirit by means of me finds expression as a natural outpouring of my faith.