In a world where people struggle to assert their individuality, pressing against the grain to maintain a sense of uniqueness it is often very difficult to see and embrace equality. How can we really be equal when some people are tall while others are short, some are rich while others are poor, some are black and others white the differences go on and on. Where is the equality? When we are looking with our physical eyes we are prone to only see things through the physical senses. Our physical eyes are limited to seeing in this manner and the physical sense is a limited one. In “REALITY” our physical senses are here to help us see the gross exaggerated differences that must be healed and awaken us to our Divine-selves. We have the gift to see beyond personality and prejudices. We can see beyond skin color, age, socioeconomic status and into the Spirit of the ( Hu)man. How do we do this? We must first recognize the Divinity within ourselves. This can be a difficult endeavor because we are in judgment of ourselves more than we realize. We often think we are judging the behavior of others as good or bad or worthy or not when what we are truly judging is our self as it is related to what we perceive another’s behavior to be. When we can see the behavior (awareness) and realize where we do it in our lives (acknowledgement) then own it as our own (acceptance) only then can the healing happen to help us move into forgiveness. Once we learn to forgive ourselves we can see that we are divine despite our human frailties. This awareness allows us to see beyond the limited perception of our human eyes and through the eyes of our Divinity. Through those eyes we shall see our equality.
Thought For Today:
The attributes and powers I assign to divine human beings I have also, when I allow my divinity to come forth. No one is special we all are equal in the eyes of God.
Today’s Affirmation:
I am willing to allow my Divinity to spring forth. I relinquish control to the Christ Mind I AM.