Today I became aware that I have “until today” measured my success according to external stimuli. I have looked at people I admire, people with more education, people with less education, people with same or similar opportunities and used this as a barometer to decide my next move of where I want to be. For my next goal in life, they have been the source of my inspiration!
The bible verse and one of the Ten Commandments came to mind while writing this. Deuteronomy 5:21 says “Thou shall not covet thy neighbor’s wife, neither house, field or ass.” I decided to do a search on the word wife and on my third click of synonyms it said collection. (Covet = Desire or want & Wife= consort= ensemble= collection) This tenant is applicable today in that we often want what others have. Yes we are willing to work for it so this eliminates breaking the covenant of stealing but we are in error because we are still coveting that which our neighbor has. This externalization of what we see success to be keeps us in bondage and separation. It fosters the illusion of inequality and continues the cycle of self flagellation we experience in our perceived failures and successes. It feeds the demon of dissatisfaction and keeps contentment at bay.
Let our desire to have more create more be more come from the fullness of spirits desire to be more expressed through us and not our desire to covet our neighbors things.
Though For Today:
I realize that I have been measuring success according to other people’s idea of success and when I do this I make decisions to live beyond my means. Today I choose to measure success by how much love I have given to myself and others. In love there is no competition. In Love we are all equal.
Today’s Affirmation:
I desire to have more create more and be more from the fullness of spirits desire to be more expressed through me.