Thursday, July 28, 2011

Sharing my Love

When I am filled with love I do not feel limited. I feel its all encompassing-ness everywhere and in every part of me. In that moment I am compelled to share it. I can not keep it to myself lest I suffocate. Today I feel the all encompassing presence of love unrestrained. I feel it flowing into me and from me into every experience. The song " come share my love" by Miki Howard came to me. I listened to the words and realized how powerful it is. A song I have heard and sang many times before I hear it with new ears because I heard it from a higher place. A place where only love can live. Today this is my theme song. My Mantra. My declaration to the world! Come share my love! In this love I can not help but love all who stand before me. Each being becomes my beloved. So I can honestly greet you with hello my love. Good morning my love. Good night my love. In love I am not afraid. I know that whereever I am love is and whoever I am with is my beloved. I know that in love I am never alone or lonely. In love I am not attached to the form only the love. This frees me and my beloved to share our love from a place of authentic unconditional agape love. This releases all attachments to the individual I am in relationship with and focuses on the quality of love I am there to express. Living in this way I can experience the sadness of an ending without the pain.

Thought for Today:
I must live in love to experience love.

Today's Affirmation:
Everything I do, everywhere I am, I greet in love and I am greeted with love.