Tuesday, July 12, 2011

The Truth will Set You Free!

When I was just shy of fifteen my mother found out I had had sex (how is a story for another day). When she confronted me she promised me it would be OK if I just told the truth. I did and she smacked me so hard across my face I was breathless. That was the day I created a story that the truth hurts. That day began a twenty seven year journey to find, recreate, re-frame and renew my relationship with truth. Today I realize "Truth" does not hurt at all. my relationship to truth was broken and I did not know how to fix it. I now realize that instead of telling lies to others I told lies to myself that I made up were true to hide the lie that truth hurts. I became un-trusting of myself. I could not and did not recognize when I was telling the truth because my relationship to truth was broken until today. Today I am a truthful being to myself. Telling the truth and being accountable is a powerful place to be in. I am in gratitude to be in truth. I am liberated by truth, it has set me free from a self imposed bondage of my own creation. The Truth is, "Truth" has always been in relationship with me, as I was to myself.

Thought for Today:

We can never lie to anyone but ourselves because as "Momma Iya" says there is no one in the room but you and God. Either I am in relationship to an aspect of god or of myself. When I lie to you I am lying to myself because I don't trust myself.

Today's Affirmation:

I AM Truthful to myself in every moment. I AM child like in my honesty. I tell the truth with no agenda other than being honest from my perspective. I experience authentic, healthy, healing, Holy relationships as a result. I experience a deeper level of trust and intimacy in relationships with every being starting with ME.