Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Crossing the Line

Sometimes we cross the line with people. We may say something out of turn or inappropriate causing the conversation to feel immediately uncomfortable. The easiest way to cross back to the appropriate side of the line is to immediately recognize your mistake, leave the guilt behind and offer an apology. Handling it in this manner builds self confidence, creditability and respect. How can we do this in matters of LOVE?

When we cross the line in love we move from love to hate. I often ask myself how is it we can be so in love one day and so in hate the next. Love does not work that way. Egos do. When we cross the line in love the same rules apply. The easiest way to come back to love is to immediately recognize that you are standing on the wrong side of the line, leave the anger and blame behind and offer an apology to yourself for forgetting that you were once in love with this person and they once were in love with you. Remembering that even though you may no longer be in love with them that the love you felt with them was the love you already had inside and it is still there. With that realization you can “Cross the line” and step back into love.

Thought for Today:
I acknowledge that sometimes I act out of pain instead of acting out of love.

Today’s Affirmation:
I choose today to stand on loves side of the line. I stand in love for Love!