Sunday, August 7, 2011

My Mother's story is not mine

My mother never married my biological father. In fact she told me we, my twin and I, were an accident. A child’s mind is very trusting to the information that we feed it, so on some level I thought I truly was an accident. I believed that so much that I made unconscious choices based on this internal belief. I see this belief reflected in the ways I have, until today, made choices by default. I impregnated my life by choosing the whims of my fancy based on good feelings and dealt with the consequences just as I believe my mother did. I dealt with it and felt that it was an accident that I was experiencing this or that when in fact it was a unintentional unconscious choice.

I realize now that as much as I am my mother’s daughter I am also my mother. As such, starting today I can choose to see my life differently and make conscious choices. When I do this I can rewrite not only the history of our history together but the history I am through her. I now see the story of my birth, as my mother deliberately choosing to not abort me and give me life. Wow! What a difference it is to see a deliberate choice instead of focusing on starting life as an accident. How much more empowering is this view?
Now can you see how even when we think we are not choosing, that the choice not to choose is still a choice? Can you see that we are always in power and when we choose with conscious intention it empowers us? I can see clearly now because I see from a higher place all situations.

Thought for Today:
When we realize that everything is by choice, therefore making a choice by default or conscious intention is still choosing. Then we can make better choices.

Today’s Affirmation:
I am empowered by the choices I make. Even the ones I make by default are still by choice.