Wednesday, August 3, 2011

I am A "WANTED" Woman!

I have been speaking to a lot of my friends and although the situations all seem different the base line was in dealing with wants and being wanted. What I realize now is that we all have a need to be wanted and desired just as we are. I am a quirky, fun loving, finicky, woman who likes to sing in the shower and paint her toes purple and belly dances by herself just for fun! I want to be loved, accepted and adored for being me.
When we have desires and wants that do not meet the standards and expectations of others, particularly those whom we have an intimate relationship with, and when we make our desire for what we want more important than theirs or when we make their desires for what they want more important than ours, no one wins. (wins for lack of a better word) . When we make them feel bad for their wants we are also making ourselves feel bad for our wants, that is a sin against our self. What we are saying is that my wants are more important than your wants and in REALITY both wants are equally important.
This is an opportunity to express unconditional love for ourselves and our beloved. In practicing unconditional love, real and true genuine love we endeavor to always want the best for our partner even if it is not with us. This sets the stage for the Universe to send them someone who matches their energetic vibration and for you too. So the next time you feel like you are unwanted remember this note to self.

There is someone somewhere out there who wants me and loves me exactly as I am. This person loves every thing about me that I love about myself. I am a perfect match and vibration to love and love has no choice but to find me. I am deserving of love without conditions and I practice giving it to myself first by accepting that I have wants and desires and that is perfectly OK! I know that what I desire for me someone somewhere is desiring to give me exactly that. I celebrate the opportunity to connect to love, from love with love!

Thought for Today:
I want what you want for you. I want want what I want for me. We are both free to want what it is we want without guilt, blame or shame.

Today's Affirmation:

When I want, it is the Universe's way of expressing through me.

I Celebrate My desires and wants as a guiltless gourmet of Spirits buffet of love!