Monday, August 29, 2011

Day 1 part 1 Journey into the Self Gaining or Giving Up

13 Day Journey into the Self

Fasting is to refrain from. It does not mean we will not go back to. It is a conscious release for a period of time, sometimes that period lasts a life time and sometimes only for the duration of the fast.
When approached in this way the idea of "giving up", that for some people, automatically implies lack, we can begin to create a new relationship with. When we make a list of everything we think we will be deprived we are putting importance and value on what we desire to release. Why notturn our focus on what we want to gain? When we fast from and Pray for, we are actively engaging our will with the will of Divine Mind.

I want for you what I want for myself. Success! YES! We will be successful on our journey in this fast. Some days will seem like a piece of cake to some and challenging to others. There is no competition, you can not fail. Your success is guaranteed. Your only need is to be willing. Be willing to align your intention with your effort. Trust that spirit will create opportunity for your experience.

Each day will contain exercises that are suggestions for you. You are free to do your own. The exercises posted are only to give you an idea, a starting point in the direction of your inner being and how it is working on your behalf at all times. Even what we name as negative is a working from your spirit on your behalf as a sign to pay attention to something. For some people the assignment may seem silly and to others just the idea of doing something is challenging. I invite you to do it anyway. The assignments will vary in commitment. Don’t give up! Keep trying! Your success is guaranteed.

Todays Affirmation:

I AM success in action!


I AM created from that which created the earth and the stars in the sky

and everything that was and is created comes from it!

It is the power that shook the earth

and that made the winds blow and the rains come

It is that power that makes the oceans swell and the tides receed.

With that power backing me success is my only option!