Sunday, September 11, 2011

Day 10

Today is day 10 on the Journey into the Self!

Spiritual Affirmation

I am comfortable in change. I accept uncertainty and the impermanence of life. I live in harmony with it.

Mental Exercise

Be AWARE of what your are feeling, how your are feeling it and where in your body it is. Feeling is not a thinking exercise. If you say I think I feel you have missed the feeling. A good habit (Not While Driving) is to close your eyes and ask yourself when faced with a physical reaction or emotional reaction
1. Where in my body do I feel it?
2. What is it “Really” saying to me?

Physical Exercise

Whatever way you do anything, just for Today do it differently. If it is your habit to drink coffee in the morning and tea at night do the opposite. If you put your pant legs on left then right switch. If you drive down the highway take the street. Try cereal for dinner and Fish for breakfast. Try today to do as many things differently as you can. Become aware when you revert back to your usual way of being. This exercise is an opportunity to find balance in our world and accept its ever changing-ness. The universe is in constant change. There is a divine order and structure to change and a peace in the middle of chaos. In this exercise you are called to be aware in every moment and not fall asleep. Awaken to you.
Order has a function in our life as well as chaos.

Emotional Exercise (The FAST)
I AWAKEN to ME the inner SELF that I AM.
Realize your balance in the midst of change, release resistance, embrace impermanence. Relax let go, surrender to the you who is always centered and connected to the Divine within.