Today is day 12 on the Journey into the Self!
Spiritual Affirmation
I AM my biggest cheerleader! I AM the champion of my own cause
Mental Exercise
Look at the times you chose to put someone’s feelings ahead of yourself at the sacrifice of your own emotional well being. This behavior looks like it is giving but it is not. It is a ploy of the ego that engages in self abusive behavior to maintain a false belief.
Physical Exercise
Sit with one of the times you chose to give your “self” away and refuse to move until you have a break through. (Sometimes a break through comes after a break down) Journal, sit, meditate and return to this though all day. Constructively use your worry bone to worry this memory until you ca see clearly the truth behind you self deprecating behavior.
Emotional Exercise (The FAST)
Fast from believing that anyone else’s feeling or needs are more important than your own.
Only when we can value ourselves can we really value another.