In the book the Celestine prophecy it talks about how mankind has evolved technologically very rapidly but not developed as rapidly spiritually. It speaks of the next era we are moving into, that it will be about Higher Spiritual advancement. I think if you take the time to look around you, you’ll see evidence of this. Man has become so enamored with his creations that he has all but forgotten that he is the creator.
We have become a society so distracted by what we create just as Frankenstein was with his bride that we have placed a god like worship/ worth-ship on the objects that have been created instead of worshiping the creator (within), that energy and essence that has been the Divining factor behind what has been created. It is the creative spirit within each of us that must be given recognition and acknowledgment too. Nurturing and kneading this Divine essence like dough so that it may rise in the warmth of humanities appreciation of it.
We stand in awe, marveling at the ease and speed of travel via air planes, private jets, Fancy cars and communication through outlets like "face book" I phones, web and pod casts, so much so that it is the focus of our desire, that which we strive for, plan for and sacrifice for, instead of the Spirit, essence or energy behind what has created it. We have been placing un-due value on the object. On some level deep within ourselves we know the error in our thinking and in the past years we have attempted to correct this erroneous thinking by placing a financial value to our abilities and demanding what some have come to know as an exorbitant pay for CEO’s , top athletes, top models and Millionaire game and reality shows. This method has been implemented and failed because it was implemented without the acknowledgment or acceptance of the Divine creator within all. When we move into understanding and acknowledging the value and worth of human beings, ALL human beings then we will correctly place the value upon the Earth and her nourishment of us, ALL the earth and all her inhabitants great and small. That is when we shall know peace and the balance between ownership and being owned between our creations possessing us and us possessing our creations. We are THE CREATOR!